Websites starting with 'I':
The Texas Department of Transportation, the City of Waco and Baylor University are preparing for the first phase of a major, multi-year reconstruction project on Interstate 35, which will have a significant impact on the University for the duration of the project.
Aligning with TxDOT’s communications efforts, Baylor University has assembled a campus-wide subcommittee to develop a plan for timely communications to faculty, staff, students, alumni and visitors as details are finalized on the I-35 project.
Baylor is transitioning to a fully digital ID card system. The Baylor Digital ID lives in the Wallet app on your iPhone, Apple Watch or Android device. Once you upload a photo and activate your Digital ID, you can simply tap your phone at readers across campus to access your residence hall room and other campus buildings, visit the Student Life Center, check out library materials, enjoy Baylor’s dining facilities, and more!
Login to Baylor’s transformational enterprise system based on cloud technology that revolutionizes financial, human resources, and grants management processes, providing better information and more focus on impactful work in support of Illuminate.
Impact is published twice a year by the Baylor School of Education to inform alumni and friends of the ongoing work and contributions of the School, its students, graduates, faculty, staff and programs.
The inauguration and installation of Linda A. Livingstone as Baylor University's fifteenth president will be on Thursday, October 26, in the Ferrell Center, located at the intersection of University Parks Drive and LaSalle Avenue.
Learn more about the processes and deadlines related to the incoming freshman application.
Learn more about the processes and deadlines related to the incoming international student application.
Learn more about the processes and deadlines related to the transfer student application.
The Baylor Computer Science department offers a Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics.
The Information Systems Department's primary goal is to excel in teaching quantitative and critical thinking skills as well as interpersonal skills. Students are given opportunities to develop strong abilities in areas such as leadership, written and oral communications, and teamwork.
Information on Undergraduate Degree programs is found here.
Whether it is a student checking their e-mail in the Student Life Center, a faculty member providing information to students via the web, Baylor employees looking for support systems, or prospective students or friends of Baylor looking for information on the Baylor website: The Baylor ITS organizations are committed to providing world-class service.
The Institute for Aviation Sciences was created in 1991 with the goal of advancing Baylor University's mission through research, public service and the education of a new generation of pilots. In the same year, the institute initiated the Bachelor of Science in Aviation Science (B.S.A.S.) degree, and graduated its first class in 1995.
The Institute for Faith and Learning was founded in 1997 to assist Baylor in achieving its mission of integrating academic excellence and Christian commitment, and its goal of becoming a university of the first rank committed to its Baptist and Christian heritage.
Located since 1970 in Central Texas, the Institute for Oral History is a freestanding research department within the Division of Academic Affairs of Baylor University.
ISR - Institute of Study on Religion
The mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (IE) is to provide leadership and assistance in developing and overseeing processes designed to enhance the effectiveness of programs and services at Baylor University.
Institutional Events staff welcomes the opportunity to assist you with your special event. Our services include facility reservations, menu planning, audio/visual services, event production, event communications and much more. Let us help you create the WOW experience that you and your guests deserve.
The primary mission of Institutional Research is to conduct research in order to provide information which supports institutional planning, policy information, and decision making.
Baylor University operates a Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) to protect the rights and welfare of individuals who volunteer to participate in the research mission of Baylor. While the ultimate responsibility for the treatment of all human subjects in research rests with the individual researcher (faculty, students, or staff) who has been given the privilege to conduct research with humans, the IRB exists as a safeguard to promote the ethical and responsible treatment of human subjects in research, by conducting an ethical review of research studies while providing education and guidance for the research community.
The interactive Media and Language Center serves the students and faculty of the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures. The facility is located on the third floor of the Draper Academic Building, suite 356 and room 355. The Center strives to be a model for technology-assisted language teaching and learning. MLC students are encouraged and supported in their language-learning journey while faculty members are encouraged and supported in their language acquisition pedagogy and associated technology.
The mission of Baylor University’s Interior Design program is to provide a transformative undergraduate education that prepares students to serve with Christian integrity in a diverse and global marketplace, equipped to address human needs by applying research methodology that promotes the health, safety and well-being of all users within the built environment.
It is physically and fiscally impossible for the Baylor Libraries to own every document or information resource needed to support all scholarly activities of its clients. Interlibrary Services is a dedicated team of men and women in the Libraries who try to locate the desired items in other collections around the world and then try to obtain them for temporary use by our clients.
The overall objective of Internal Audit is to provide all levels of university management and the Baylor Board of Regents (Board) with an independent assessment of the quality of the University’s internal controls and administrative processes and to provide recommendations and suggestions for continuous improvement.
The International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) Office provides guidance and support to those at Baylor who have an F-1 visa or J-1 visa, helping them with their initial transition to Baylor and their connection to the Baylor experience.
The home page for the Italian language department.
Search for answers/knowledge about Information Technology systems and services at your convenience. The solutions here have been provided by Right Answers Knowledge-Pak and from Baylor-owned training materials.