Archived News – September 2021

Faculty and Staff Ticket Offer
Faculty and Staff have a special opportunity for discounted tickets to watch the Baylor Bears take on the West Virginia Mountaineers on October 9 at 11 a.m. With the code CHAMPIONS Faculty and Staff can buy $10 stadium tickets or $5 berm tickets.
‘Readers Meet the Author’ Virtual Reading Group Highlights Books Written by Baylor Faculty
Baylor University faculty are prolific writers, researchers, mentors, and teachers, and we welcome every opportunity to celebrate their accomplishments. "Readers Meet the Author," presented by the Office of the President and Office of the Provost, encourages opportunities for faculty and staff to gather virtually for shared reflection and collegial conversation about big ideas. This is the second year for the popular series.
Teaching 9/11 to the Next Generation
The morning of September 11, 2001, Baylor's First Gentleman Brad Livingstone spent the drive to the Vanguard College Preparatory School campus in Waco listening to the radio, preparing for another day of teaching history to Vanguard's students.
Vax to Normal featuring Sophia Garza
Sophia Garza, a senior public health major from Brownsville, Texas, closely followed the development and progress of the COVID-19 vaccine, hopeful that its authorization would give her a modicum of peace and protection.
Baylor Prepares Moment of Prayer, Remembrance for 20th Anniversary of 9/11
As the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 approaches, Baylor University prepares to remember the countless lives lost in the tragedy, to honor and thank the community’s first responders and to offer a prayer for continued healing and hope for our nation.
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