Archived News – November 2020

Additional COVID-19 Testing
As we near the completion of on-campus instruction on Wednesday, Nov. 25, Baylor University is offering voluntary COVID-19 rapid testing (Nov. 23-25) at no cost for all students, faculty and staff before departing campus for the Thanksgiving holidays and the rest of the Fall semester. We encourage you to take advantage of this testing opportunity, especially if you plan to travel or gather with family or friends.
Adley Vahue, a Baylor student veteran, shares about why he chose Baylor and his academic experience. Vahue has been able to find community with other veterans through the Baylor VETS program, Veterans of Baylor and volunteering at the Veteran’s One-Stop in Waco.
Post-Election Tips and Resources for Navigating Thoughts, Conversations and Information
Participating in an election and the days and weeks following can be exciting, but an election also can be emotional and even stressful. Amidst any uncertainty, it is important to focus on the steadfast nature of God; spiritual, mental and emotional well-being; and fostering a caring campus community.
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