Baylor to Host Parents League Breakfast Sept. 30

September 21, 1995

The Baylor University Parents League will hold a Parents League officer breakfast at 7 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 30, in the Harrington House on the Baylor campus.
The event will be held in conjunction with Parents Weekend Sept. 29-30. The leadership of the various Baylor Parents League chapters across the country will gather to reflect on the activities of last fall and spring and to share ideas for effective Baylor promotions for this year, said Teri Tippit, director of the Office of Recruitment at Baylor which oversees the Parents League.
"Each Parents League chapter has unique needs and we want to keep parents connected to each other and informed about events occurring at Baylor," Tippit said.
During the breakfast Dr. William Hillis, vice president for student life and the Cornelia Marschall Smith Distinguished Professor of Biology, and William Dube, dean for admissions, academic scholarships and student financial aid, will discuss updates with the Parents League officers. The 1995 Baylor Parents of the Year will also be presented.
For more information contact Tippit or Rachelle Sheffield, director of the Parents League at 755-3435.