Office of the Provost

As the University's chief academic officer, the provost has responsibility for all of Baylor's academic enterprises, including twelve schools and colleges and more than one dozen research centers and institutes. The provost works closely with the president, deans, department chairs, faculty, regents, and others to provide academic vision and leadership and to promote and support excellence in teaching, learning, and research within the context of a Christian worldview.



COACHE is a research-practice partnership and network of peer institutions dedicated to improving outcomes in faculty recruitment, development, and retention. Under COACHE, more than 300 colleges and universities have strengthened their capacity to identify the drivers of faculty success and implement informed changes. This strategic partnership allowed us to compare our results across campus, relative to five peer institutions, and across 110 institutions nationwide.

Readers Meet the Author

Readers Meet the Author features the scholarly work of faculty from across disciplines in a hybrid format so everyone can participate. At each gathering, we focus on a recently authored book by a member of our Baylor community, hearing from the author, and sharing in a Q&A to inspire conversation.

Faculty Diversity & Belonging

As a leading Christian institution with a strong Baptist heritage and impact that extends throughout Texas and internationally, Baylor University seeks to “educate men and women for worldwide leadership and service by integrating academic excellence and Christian commitment within a caring community.” In line with this mission, we seek to embody Christ’s teachings of love and inclusivity across boundaries of racial, ethnic, gender, socio-economic, religious, and other expressions of human difference.  

ACE Internationalization Lab

Baylor University, along with 9 other U.S. and international universities, is a participant in the 18th cohort of the American Council on Education's (ACE) Internationalization Laboratory, a guided and collaborative strategic planning process. 

Illuminate Forward

Baylor University Strategic Plan

Baylor embarked on a new Academic Strategic Plan—Illuminate—in 2018, and Illuminate Forward was affirmed in 2021. The comprehensive plan continues to draw upon the institution’s heritage and commitment to becoming a preeminent Christian research university, as outlined in Pro Futuris.

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