Baylor Welcomes November Chapel Speakers

October 29, 2007

by Katie Brooks, student newswriter, (254) 710-6805

Baylor University's department of University Ministries sponsors Chapel in Waco Hall on Baylor's campus each Monday and Wednesday at 10 and 11 a.m. Guests for November include musicians, authors, inspirational speakers and holiday celebrations.

Nicole Braddock Bromley will speak on Nov. 5. Braddock was an athlete, scholar and class leader when she decided to speak out against her childhood sexual abuse. In an effort to raise awareness, she tells her traumatic story and shares her journey from victim to "Victory Over Impossible Circumstances (VOICE)."

David Miller, executive director of the Yale Center for Faith & Culture at Yale Divinity School, will speak in Chapel Nov. 7. The Center strives "to promote the practice of faith in all spheres of life through theological research and leadership development."

Jose Muniz, co-founder of JesusCrew Street Ministries with his wife Amy, will speak Nov. 12. Married 20 years, they shared a life filled with drugs and alcohol until God touched their lives. They now are missionaries and evangelize at local night clubs, malls, parks and public high schools.

Keith Getty will speak Nov. 14. Getty is a songwriter from Northern Ireland and refers to himself as a "hymnwriter," creating songs that teach and have a timeless musical style.

Michael Lindsay will speak in Chapel Nov. 26. Lindsay is a sociologist specializing in issues surrounding leadership, religion and culture. In addition to writing several books and scholarly articles, Lindsay recently completed the nation's largest and most comprehensive study on people of faith who are public leaders.

The Thanksgiving Service will be held Nov. 19 and the Christmas & the Arts will be held Nov. 28. In the past, these students celebrated these holidays with scripture readings and songs.

For more information regarding Chapel speakers, please contact University Ministries at (254) 710-3517. Chapel can be viewed live on the web at