Communication Department To Hold Debate Watch Oct. 8

October 5, 2004

The second presidential debate will be shown on the big screen during Debate Watch 2004. Hosted by Baylor University's speech communication department and the Glenn R. Capp Debate Forum, the event will begin at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8, in room 101 at the Castellaw Communication building on campus. Debate Watch is free and open to the public and is a non-partisan, national initiative to encourage face to face discussion and dialogue about issues of national importance.
"The Debate Watch is an opportunity for citizens to watch a debate together and then discuss their reactions to it," said Dr. Karla Leeper, acting chair of communication studies and The Glenn R. Capp Professor of Forensics. "Community dialogue and deliberation are the historic strengths of our democratic system. Those reactions will be noted and sent to the Commission on Presidential Debates and the National Communication Association. Those organizations are doing research on the way debates are presented and the reactions of the Debate Watch are the backbone of those research projects. Hopefully the feedback of concerned citizens can improve the debate process and the presidential campaigns."
For more information, call Leeper at 710-6919.