Step 1Submit Concerns
Step 2Confirm Information
Step 3Finished
Submitting Person First Name
Submitting Person Last Name
First Name
Last Name
Role in the System(advisor, professor, tutor, etc.)
Job Title at Baylor
Location(departmental location in Navigate used for availability, kiosk, etc.)
Area of the Platform Pertaining to Your Concern
Please confirm that you are using the most current version of Google Chrome as your browser. Please select... Yes No
Select One of the Following Please select... Issue:Something in the system is not performing as intended Enhancement:This addition/modification to Navigate would make life so much better Request
Level of Intensity Please select... High(!) - This issue is directly impacting my workflow Moderate - This issue is somewhat impacting my workflow Low - This issue is not directly impacting my current workflow Other
Other Issue
Frequency Please select... Constant Intermittent Isolated Other
Other Frequency
Describe the issue, including specific examples, and attach screenshots on next page. When issue involves examples with students, please include the student IDs.
Timeframe Preferred timeframe of person submitting request Please select... I need this yesterday I can hang in there for a little while longer No rush
Describe the enhancement and attach screenshots on the next page
Type Question Here
Describe Training Needed Here
Describe Request Here
Name of Person to Add to Navigate
Bear ID of Person to Add to Navigate
Role of Person to Add to Navigate What type of functions will this person be performing in Navigate
Name of Person to Remove from Navigate
Bear ID of Person to Remove from Navigate
Role to be Removed from Navigate