CMS Terminology

CMS - Is an abbreviation for Content Management System.

Login - Login refers the process of entering in credentials to obtain access to the CMS, which is a restricted area.

User Name - Your Bear ID

User Password - Your Bear ID password. This is the same password that you use for your Baylor email.

User Roles - There are three levels of user roles for departmental use in the CMS. Each level has varying levels of information they can access and/or update.

Department I.D. - When a departmental website is set up in the CMS it is assigned an individual ID number for identification purposes.

Left-side Navigation - The links on the left side of your admin screen are known as the left-side navigation area. This navigation will help you navigate through the admin system: this area will always be on the left side of any admin screen.

Admin Home - This link will always return you to the first Content Management admin screen of the specific website you are working in.

Content Admin - This link will expand a list of CMS admin tools used in creating and maintaining website information within the CMS. The list is comprised of: Web Pages, Categories, Events, News, FAQs, RSS, Images, Documents, and Online Forms.

Website Admin - This link will only be displayed if your user role is that of Department Admin. This link will expand a list of the following CMS admin tools: Site Admin and Link Checker.

CMS Help - This link will navigate you to the online CMS Documentation website: This website is a resource for users working within the CMS.

Admin Tabs - When accessing a content area within a webpage there are three different tabbed options for editing: Adv. Editor, Text/HTML and Callout Box. The majority of your work will be within the Text/HTML tab.

Page ID - Every page added to the CMS is assigned a page ID number rather than a file name.

Edit Page Screen - This is the screen that you go to when you are ready to edit a webpage.

Content Areas - Editable areas within the webpage that can be accessed to add or edit content.

Edit Buttons - These buttons open screens where content associated with that specific area on the page can be added and/or edited. The number of Edit buttons varies as per the page template.

Edit Page Information - This admin screen contains important information about a specific webpage. It can be opened by clicking on the Edit Page Information green button displayed on the edit page screen.

Return to List View - This admin screen contains a list of all the webpages within a specific website. It can be opened by clicking on the Return to List View green button displayed on the edit page screen.

Baylor's content management system is a tool for academic and administrative units to create and manage websites.