Academic and Work Environment Survey

March 27, 2017

Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,

Baylor is embarking on a University-wide survey meant to measure perceptions of respect, cooperation, diversity, inclusiveness, accessibility and support among our university community. The 2017 Academic and Work Environment Survey will be conducted by an outside firm – the Survey Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago – in order to protect the confidentiality of responses. SRL will manage all aspects of this study, including administration, data analysis and report writing.

Tomorrow, you should receive an email from Survey Research Laboratory with a customized link to the anonymous online survey. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that the information gathered through this effort is critical to ongoing management and decision processes that impact the experiences all of us have at Baylor. Please take the 15-20 minutes required to share your experiences.


David E. Garland
Interim President