Mother-Daughter Pair Earned Bachelor’s Degrees Together in December

January 26, 2017
The Baylor family joined in the celebration as Tammy Havens, 44, and her daughter, Shandin Havens, 24 both earned their bachelor’s of business administration degrees in December.

Soon after Tammy moved to Waco with her husband and children in summer 2004, she began working at Baylor University as an administrative assistant in the Hankamer School of Business. Upon her hire, she had thought about taking advantage of the tuition remission benefit herself, but working full-time, she was only able to take two to four classes per academic year. And as a military wife, she was unsure her family would remain in Waco long enough for her to complete a bachelor’s degree. But, when her marriage ended unexpectedly in 2008, Tammy knew not only that there would be time for her to finish but that her daughter would also be able to study at Baylor, taking advantage of both the tuition remission benefit for dependents of Baylor employees and the G.I. Bill, thanks to her father’s military service.

“After my divorce, it really hit me that I was actually going to be able to graduate from Baylor,” Tammy said. “Shandin worked super hard, taking classes full-time and she caught up with me. I was so excited to learn she was going to take advantage of this amazing opportunity to attend Baylor, too.”

Not only did Shandin carry a full course load, she worked 30 hours per week while parenting her six-year-old son, Kielar, alone after her own marriage ended unexpectedly. Her accomplishment embodies the passion and determination that her mother Tammy has always encouraged.

“I gave Shandin a painting that features this quote: ‘Discover what it is that makes you passionate then grab a firm hold. Cherish it proudly and guard it with great determination.’ I would say that is exactly what we have been doing,” Tammy said.

Her BBA in real estate in-hand, Tammy plans to continue her work as an administrative associate in the Department of Communications, keeping an eye on the market and possibly starting a business someday. Meanwhile, Shandin, who majored in accounting, plans to pursue her master’s of accountancy in the future and become a CPA.

“To me, [graduating with Shandin] was one of the most amazing and proud moments in my life,” Tammy said. “I wasn’t sure how my daughter would feel graduating at the same time as her mom, but to my surprise, she was excited about it. One part of me wanted to just sit there and watch my daughter walk across that stage. I wanted it to be her moment and all about her. At the same time, I wanted to make her proud and I felt really honored that she didn’t mind sharing that special day with me.”